Understanding How Parishioners of Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish Express Their Catholic Faith
This graph looks different from the graph on the previous page because it shows the five discipleship expressions in a different order, not in the order of highest to lowest responses, but that used in the profile reports of individual parishioners.
Parishioners may find, for example, that they only express discipleship strongly in one or two main areas, or perhaps in all five areas. All these insights will serve as the basis for fruitful conversations among parish leaders and parishioners.
Reflecting on Parishioner Experience
This report will help Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish parish reflect on discipleship by focusing on one expression at a time in the order displayed in the graph above. The pages for each expression include 1) a graph that shows the average frequency parishioners indicated for that expression; 2) the statements in each expression grouped by the highest frequency response percentage to the lowest (100-0%); and 3) questions to help your parish reflect on your discipleship activity.
Remember, there is no one way to be a disciple. We trust that God lovingly and continually calls each of us to imitate Jesus Christ, grow in holiness, and do our part to build God's kingdom.